– Your Trusted Partner for Accurate Paternity Testing

Jan 11, 2024


Welcome to, your premier destination for medical center and diagnostic services specializing in accurate paternity testing. With years of experience and a commitment to offering the highest quality services, we strive to assist individuals in determining their biological relationships in a confidential and efficient manner. Whether you are seeking legal or non-legal paternity tests, our expert team is here to provide you with reliable results.

Why Choose

At, we understand the importance of accuracy when it comes to paternity testing. Our reputation as a trusted provider stems from our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our services. Here are a few reasons why you should choose us for your paternity testing needs:

1. Trusted Expertise

With our extensive experience in the field, our team of certified professionals is highly skilled in performing paternity tests with utmost accuracy. We employ advanced techniques and utilize state-of-the-art equipment to deliver reliable results you can trust. Rest assured, you are in safe hands with

2. Confidentiality

We understand that privacy is of utmost importance when it comes to paternity testing. As such, we prioritize maintaining strict confidentiality throughout the entire process. Your personal information and results will be handled with the highest level of discretion, ensuring your confidentiality is preserved.

3. Quick Turnaround

We are committed to providing you with prompt service without compromising accuracy. Our streamlined process allows for efficient testing and analysis, enabling us to deliver comprehensive results in a timely manner.

4. Legal Acceptance

Our paternity tests are legally admissible and meet the highest industry standards. The results obtained from our accredited laboratory can be used for legal purposes such as child custody cases, immigration proceedings, and establishing parental rights.

Our Range of Services

At, we offer a comprehensive suite of diagnostic services catered to your specific needs:

1. Paternity Testing

Whether you are an individual seeking a peace of mind test or require legally admissible results, our paternity tests are accurate and precise. We use advanced DNA analysis techniques to determine the biological relationship between alleged fathers, mothers, and children with up to 99.99% accuracy.

2. Maternity Testing

In addition to paternity testing, we provide maternity testing services that analyze the DNA of alleged mothers and children. This can be essential for establishing biological relationships in cases where maternal verification is required.

3. Sibling Testing

In situations where biological siblings need confirmation, our sibling testing service can provide clarity. By examining the genetic markers shared between alleged siblings, we can determine the likelihood of a biological relationship.

4. Grandparentage Tests

Our advanced DNA testing techniques also allow us to assess grandparentage. This service can be crucial in cases where direct parentage testing is not feasible, as it can help determine the relationship between grandchildren and grandparents.

5. DNA Profiling

For individuals interested in learning more about their genetic makeup, our DNA profiling service provides a comprehensive analysis of your unique DNA markers, uncovering valuable insights into your ancestry and genetic traits.


When it comes to accurate paternity testing and diagnostic services, is your trusted partner. Our commitment to excellence, strict confidentiality, quick turnaround times, and legally admissible results make us the preferred choice for individuals seeking peace of mind and legal certainty. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule your appointment with our experienced team of professionals.